Gynaecologist Roles and Responsibilities: When Do You Need to See One?
Gynaecologists are specialists in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the reproductive system in women. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and vagina. They also provide advice on contraception, pregnancy, and menopause.
Most women will only need to see a gynaecologist in chennai during their reproductive years, but there are a few occasions when you should see one even if you’re not currently pregnant or experiencing any problems with your reproductive health. Here are some of them:
When it comes to the health of your reproductive system, there is quite a lot. You need to be aware of almost all of the following:
• Your menstrual cycles (are you having regular/irregular/spotty periods, are you feeling your periods easily and appropriately, do you have them? Are you experiencing any mood changes? etc.);
• Your sexual health (Are you experiencing any vaginal / vulva / clitoral / labial pain, clumsiness or discharge? Does your partner/boyfriend experience any issues with your reproductive system?);
• Your endometriosis (discovering and treating it can make you or your partner completely pain-free);
• Your breast health (even if you do not have any problems with your breasts right now, you could have a fault in the milk ducts which could affect your baby in the long run);
Our health in general, but more specifically this can include having any of the following:
• Depression: this is often bound to other complexities in your life.
What Types of Gynecologists are there?
You may also need to see a gynecologist for a medical condition that may require a surgery or highly expensive treatment.
If you have a chronic disease, such as diabetes, heart failure, chronic pain, kidney disease, or an autoimmune disease, you may need treatment from a gynecologist.
You may need specialists like gynaecodidactic oncologists for the treatment of cancerous or precancerous growths of the cervix.
Gynaecologists can get involved in the treatment for birth defects or diseases found during pregnancy.
e.g. Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect in the US, so you need to see a gynaecologist as soon as possible.
You also need to see a gynaecologist if you have a known risk factor for complications during pregnancy, such as:
• Urination problems
• Urinary tract infections, if you had one before pregnancy
• Thyroid problems
• A parasitic or bacterial infection, such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea
The more risk factors you have, the more likely there will be a problem during pregnancy and you may need medical treatment.
But some of the women who give birth need regular visits to a gynaecologist only for their hysterectomy or because they have been pregnant before.
For More information: Gynaecologist in chennai
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