A gynaecologist deals with any Problem related to female Reproductive organs, such as uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina. In addition, a gynaecologist may also treat problems related to the bowl, bladder, and urinary systems, for they are closely related to female Reproductive Organs . Gynaecologist also diagnoses and treat cancer of ovaries, uterus, Cervix, Vagina and Fallopian tubes as well as prolapsed of the Pelvic Organs. Obstetrics Deals with the care of pregnant women, the unborn baby, Labor and delivery and the period after Childbirth. During Pregnancy , the obstetrician makes sure that mother and baby receive the best prenatal care so that labor and delivery go smoothly, and should interventions be needed they are carried out quickly and safely. In Obstetrics, women are treated during conception, Pregnancy, Childbirth and immediately after delivery. In Gynaecology (the GYN) Women are treated for all health issues. For More Information: Gynaecologist in chen...