Termite Control Services In Chennai - Pestronics Pvt Ltd., Everything ab...
Termite (Cellulose eating insects)
Termite makes significant harm houses and wooden decorations. A few termites feed on living plant materials and can become genuine harvest pests. While every termite species flourishes in various climates and eats various kinds of food, all ter mites require four things to endure:
- Food
- Moisture
- Shelter
- Optimal temperature
Kinds of Termites
1. Subterranean termites
Subterranean termites are insects that feed on wood, frequently becoming pests of homes. There are two kinds of termites commonly encountered by mortgage holders: the worker and the swarmer.
2. Dry-wood termites
Drywood termites form settlements of up to 2,500 individuals. Drywood termite settlements don't have workers. More youthful termites, called "fake workers", accomplish basically everything for the settlement.
3. Dampwood Termites
Dampwood termites are ordinarily bigger in size than other termite species. Like drywood termites, dampwood states don't have workers.
4. Formosan Termites
Formosan termite settlements can be up to 300 feet in length and there can be a huge number of termites in a solitary state. Formosan termite states are partitioned into three gatherings: workers, soldiers and reproductive.
Realities about Termites
Around 2,750 Species
Primary - King and Queen - >they formed from alates (winged form).
1. Primary Queen
2. Primary King
3. Winged Reproductive
4. Secondary Queen
5. Nasute soldier
6. Mandibulate soldier
7. Worker
Caste framework:
The termite caste framework has three levels: reproductives, workers and soldiers.
Food of termite
Information is communicated primarily by vibrations, actual contact, and chemical signals (e.g., odor)
Annotated Classification:
- Mastotermitidae
- Kalotermitidae
- Hodotermitidae
- Rhinotermitidae
- Serritermitidae
- Termitidae
Post Control
Our specialized post-construction hostile to termite treatment goes about as a security against harms brought about by subterranean termites for existing homes and business premises.
Pre Control
With the assistance of pre-construction termite treatment administration from pestronics, you can move in calmly to your new home or office, knowing your premise is currently shielded from termites.
For More Information: Termite Control Services In Chennai
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