List of Games for Kids

Kids games are timeless and encourage Learning and innovation. Whether you are looking a non-tech game for your kids to play, need something to pass the time, or just want an activity, check out this list. Active Indoor Games Indoors, play timeless old games like Charades, Hide and Go Seek, or Sardines. Other great indoor games include Jacks, marbles, and the feather game, where children blow a feather to try to keep it in the air. Active Outdoor Games During mild weather, head outside for some outdoor play. Start a rousing game of Tag or Red Light, Green Light. Teach your child jump rope rhymes and games or use sidewalk chalk to make a hopscotch court. Playing Dress Up Gather old clothes, shoes, and hats to create a costume box. With the right clothing and some imagination, your children—and maybe even you—can have endless fun. Role-Playing Children likes dramatic play with hero roles. A child who loves animals might transform dishtowels into bandages and set up a stu...